November 16, 2011

The Proud Man of Mrs. Aizuddin. Enough said.

                3rd July. Negeri Sembilan. Heeeeeee… should I be nervous? Should I not? Of course not, I’m cool – sweating all over – what’s with these things? Well, just a normal thing. I’m tying the knot. Yea, I’m getting married.. I what?! (Yawn) Getting married.. No biggie.. haha!

I'm hot!

            To many people, getting married is a big thing.

Well, been there, done that.
Was I excited? Of course I am.
Was I intimidated? Ummmm, nope.

 So, what do I feel actually? Let me put it in the simplest way to understand, it was indescribable. I was happy but I was nervous (a bit). I was proud to end my “bujang” era a lot sooner than my friends but the responsibility that follows won’t be as easy either. Hihi..

The "Bujang" me.

The day of the “kenduri” was extremely exhausting. But I was glad that it finally ended. A new feeling overwhelmed me. In one day, you suddenly change your status to becoming someone else’s belonging (oh, I need to change my relationship status on FB also (^_^). There’s nothing much to say, I guess. Here’s some pictures from the W-day.

Say, cheese!!

Sight and View

While browsing my way in order to start the entry to this blog, I was kinda stuck. Yea, stuck. Starting a conversation is not an easy task, furthermore to start a blog. In some ways, I find it awkward, to communicate with oneself and be constant in doing it. It gotta take a lot of patience, will and perseverance to keep updating and upgrading one’s blog. At first, I was flabbergasted (I am proud of my new vocab) of how people are able in doing it. My respond was like ‘What…?’ In the end I realized that I wouldn’t know unless I try it on my own. So, here goes… 

My sight influences my view.

As I watch days go by, I find things are quite interesting themselves. Not that I have too much time at hand, nor did I only sit back and relax. Being a student, I have to juggle life and keep the balance between my personal pleasure and academic performance. Of course, I won’t ever deny the importance of enjoying DoTA and Football Manager (FM) – just to name a few – but I gotta say I know my limit (hehehe.. do i?).


Being the first son in the family, sometimes I feel the responsibility, uhh… (oh, such a big word~ hoho!) pressure, to show the good example to my other siblings. Ya, not to brag but I am the proud elder brother of two other blood-related homo sapiens (found this word while watching Hellboy. Haha!) on this very planet. Setting example is tough, not setting one is even tougher. My mum constantly advise me to study hard, if not smart; do good; and okay, those typical advises I would say. I am okay with them, it’s just that I don’t know whether they apply to me anymore these days. But, whatever, as long as you do good, live up to the name that your parents gave to you, who would mind, right? So, setting good example sometimes happens almost automatically, and I’m glad to say that I’m okay with it.

Okay, enough chat for the first time around. Guess I’ll stop here. Till some other time, TTFN. Oh, before I stop, what’s up abbreviations in this planet already?! TTFN? Ta-ta-for-now?! Language! Sucks! Ok, I’ll really stop here. TTFN. Haha!!